Aljazeera Logo Animation Free After Effects Template

New Updated Version 2022

Hi! whats up everyone. Welcome to the another tutorial. Today i will be showing you how to make Aljazeera Style 3D Animated Logo. We will use Adobe After Effects and Element 3D. Lets goto start the tutorial.
Please scroll down to the template download section.
Step:1 Creating new composition and New Solid
First we are going to open After Effects (Any Version).
Open a new project and create a New Solid and it ‘Element3D’.

Step:2 Applying Element 3D Effect to the solid
And then type Element in the Effects search bar, select Element and drage it on the ‘Element3D’ layer.

Step:3 Importing Logo Image into the Ae project
Now right click on the project area and import your logo image. Now we have inported the, drage down the logo to your composition timeline.

Step:4 Making paths from logo image using Auto Tra ed option
Select logo, click on Layer menu and choose ‘Auto-Trace’. The ‘Auto-Trace’ window will pop-up click on OK.

Step:5 Using Custom Text and Masks
Now we have traced our logo and the next step is to making this logo 3D. For doing this select the ‘Element3D’ layer and switch to Element Controls panel. Expand the Custom Layers option > Click on Custom Text and Masks. In the 15 Path Layers, click on the ‘None’ right to the Path Layer 1 and select the Auto-Traced layer.

Step:6 Logo/ Shape Extrude in E3D
Now we have selected the Custom Layer. The next step is to Extrude this Traced logo layer. Click on Scene Setup the Element 3D scene setup interface will appear, just click on EXTRUDE. The 3D logo will apear. Click on OK.

Step:7 Element3D Deform, Twist option
Ok.. So right now we will work on the animation part. Goto group1 below in the Scene Setup. Click on Particle Look and then click on Deform then click on Twist and enable the twist option. In this case we will work on the TwistY and PhaseY. Phase is basically the rotation.

For more details please watch this step-by-step explained video.