Monetize YouTube with Google AdSense And Earn Money

If you are young and have some free time, then it is better to spend your free time on social media for free than to do something useful on YouTube that not only earns you some income but also our internet society.
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In this way, there can be extra income in addition to serving the community and more income from the job if you do it more seriously. Many people in the world are making millions of dollars annually using YouTube. All they do is create unique concept videos, and upload to their channels. Sounds simple and easy to hear, doesn’t it?
It’s simple and easy too.
For whom is it most beneficial?
First of all it is important to clarify that work on YouTube can be done by anyone who is passionate about it, but the preparation of video content is a difficult step, so it is more suitable for those who Use the video as a medium, such as creators, teachers, video blogs, journalists, artists, singers, journalism and mass communication students and more.
Introduction to YouTube
As you know about YouTube, this is the most popular video sharing website in the world on which any person or company can upload their video, while anyone can watch this video without subscription.
YouTube does not require any user to pay for the broadcast of the video or to view the video posted on YouTube, (except for marketable video content).
By the way, YouTube was founded in 2005 but its real growth came when it was bought by Google, the world’s largest search engine, Google Inc. in 2006. Now the question arises: When Google / YouTube is neither receiving the money from the viewer nor the video uploader, who pays the cost of YouTube?
Like TV and newspapers, Google and YouTube also make great profit from advertising. Remember that Google receives 95% of total revenue from advertising.
Create Channel
YouTube Channel Creating Page
Easy ways to make money from YouTube
- YouTube Partnership Program
- AdSense Hosted Account
YouTube Partnership Program
Through this program, YouTube gives you a portion of the revenue from the videos you create. Not everyone is included in the YouTube Partnership Program, but rather there are some rules. If your video is alive and well liked by a large number of people, it’s included in the YouTube Partnership Program, which can make a lot of money for you. The YouTube Partnership Program requires that your video content is standard and relevant to the interests of the majority of viewers, so that more people will subscribe to your channel.
AdSense Hosted Account
Many people will know about this, but for those who are not aware of it, it is imperative that any website or blog site entrusts Google with the responsibility of advertising on its website, But Google publishes ads on its own, and the revenue generated by the ads is split between Google and the website.
Nowadays the rate of distribution is 32:68. That is, $ 68 out of every hundred dollars is distributed to the website and $ 32 to Google. Google AdSense has millions of websites connected around the world. Almost all of the major websites in Pakistan itself generate revenue from Google AdSense.
Another type of AdSense is ‘AdSense Hosted Account‘, in which ads are broadcast on YouTube within YouTube, the revenue from which is distributed at a certain rate between the video uploader and Google. AdSense Hosted Account also has some rules and regulations. If you comply with Google’s policies, it generates a significant monthly income.
Setting up a YouTube Channel
If you’re interested in the video sector and you’re over 18, you can set up your own channel on YouTube, which is pretty easy. With just one email address you can start your channel on YouTube. There are many benefits to setting up your channel on YouTube, including being completely free, being famous, automatically adding fresh video content to search engines.
Youtube Channel Setup
Youtube Channel Settings Page
What kind of content can be broadcast on YouTube?
Account holders registered with YouTube are allowed to broadcast unlimited video content, but there are certain conditions in which the content is not intended to cause harassment, not pornography, infringement of copyright (copyright) Not yours, that is, your own, not crime-motivating content, etc. Plus you can broadcast any content you like.
But most importantly, the content is of interest to your audience, otherwise your YouTube channel will not be popular, nor will you generate revenue from it. Therefore, before producing and uploading a video, it is important to pay attention to the fact that people must have some interest.
Before uploading any video to your channel, read the YouTube Rules and Policy thoroughly, and do not upload any video that is against the YouTube program and policy, otherwise your channel or AdSense account Can also be closed.
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YouTube Video preparation
Video Quality: There are a few basic things to keep in mind when preparing video content. Most importantly, it has good picture quality and sound quality. ‘HD’ quality videos are more popular nowadays.
Video Must Be short: People on social media do not read and watch articles and videos that are longer, so the length should be appropriate. Creating and uploading a few minutes of video will be easier for you, and the audience will not be bored. To create a video for your channel, select only the topics that your target audience likes so that you do not have to face much difficulty to bring viewers to your channel.
Create YouTube Intros and Logos Online
Link 1
Link 2
How to populate a YouTube channel
You set up your channel on YouTube, and uploaded a good video, but not only will it start earning revenue, but you also have to convey your message to your visitors / viewers, meaning that your channel marketing Has to do it by itself.
You can do this by emailing other social media sites such as Facebook, FanBooks, Twitter and friends. In addition, you can place regular ads on social media pages to increase your web traffic.
Increasing web traffic or marketing your channel is also important because Google AdSense revenue is linked to the number of visitors. Adsense ads that are broadcast on your video are worth every click, and generally pay a certain amount at a thousand views. That is, more web traffic for higher revenue.
Learning YouTube from YouTube
By the way, many people claim that they can help you earn online, but it is generally seen that most of them are frauds, and they have no special knowledge.
It’s better to spend time with them than to try to learn for yourself. Almost all the essential information you can find on YouTube itself. There are video lectures on the topic of ‘Virtual University of Pakistan’ which can be very helpful in video preparation.
Here are the course codes of these programs
Try YouTube Now
Just in case you are fond of using video as a medium or you are already linked to this field, you must try in that direction. You may benefit greatly from this.
So don’t be late. It’s better to try something than stay free. What will be the maximum? You will fail and there will be no revenue. But you may still have learned a lot, as Winston Churchill put it, “The key to success is to go from failure to failure without losing passion.”
Writer: Sir Hassan Akbar
Sir. Hassan Akbar is the Managing Director at IT firm High Rock Sum, Lahore. More of his articles can be read on his website.
Translated By: MTC